Reasons for Wet Litter
- Diets with a high proportion of non starch polysaccharides, animal protein, saturated free fatty acids, anti – nutritional factors or toxins can induce a dertimental shift in the composition of the intestinal microbiota (dysbacteriosis), directly or by causing toxic damage
- Protozoal infections – Coccidiosis, Histomoniasis
- Bacterial infections – Salmonella & Clostridium
Inflammation of the renal or gastrointestinal lining compromises water and nutrient transfer, which increases the amount of water, mucus and non-digested nutrients in the excreta
Consequence of Wet Litter
- Spread of diseases (litter with more water content is source for viral/ bacteria infections)
- Leg problem / burnt footpads
- Dirty eggs & egg production loss
- Affects growth due to excessive water loss from body
- Fly problem
- More ammonia
- Poor performance & economic loss
Composition :
100 g ofAviquinol 12.5 contains
Chlorhydroxyquinoline 12.5 g (12.5 %)
Effective Against
- Protozoan parasites
- Bacteria (Gram-positive, Gram-negative, aerobes and anaerobes including coli, Salmonella causing diarrhoea)
- Fungi
Aviquinol as Growth Promoter Chlorhydroxyquinoline reduces the tone and motility of s m o o t h m u s c I e s o f
intestine, thus helps in enhancing the nutrient absorption by prolonging its contact time with intestinal mucosa. These properties also aid in alleviating the symptoms of diarrhoea & loose dropings