+91-75074 76943


Total Viable Count: 2 x 109 CFU/g

Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Brevibacterium casei Pediococcus acidilactici LactobacilluS acidophilus LactobaCilluS case/ LactobacillUS p/antarum SaccharomyceS cerevisiae MOS


Mechanism of action :

  1. Competitive exclusion :

Aviproa  colonizes in the GUT lumen, out competing pathogens for resources that allow them to grow and spread

2. Improves Digestion:

Aviproa promotes the production of beneficial bacteria that increase enzymatic activity there-by improving the digestibility of feed Aviproa aids in the production of key enzymes like protease, amylase,  lipase,  and  cellulase  to  support indigestion

3. Antibacterial agents:

(bactericidal effect) Aviproa produces high levels of antimicrobial metabolites, which reduces the

number of harmful GUT microbes and their impact on the host


  • Aviproa is of peculiar value during flock stress conditions, to maintain the GUT health with overall productive & reproductive performances
  • Aviproa is highly effective against ClOStfldium perfingens, the causative agent for Necrotic Enteritis(NE)
  • Aviproa has beneficial effect on GUT microflora with synergistic activity along with beneficial microbes and inhibitory action on harmful microbes i.e., Salmonella, F. coli, CloStfidium perfringens, Campylobacter sp. Etc.
  • Avi pro a  supports for GUT microbial homeostasis, which helps to improve FCR, ROI, body weight, egg production with reduction in mortality

Mixing Directions:

500 g /tonne of poultry feed or as advised by Veterinarian

Presentation : 5 Kg

Avicura Pharmaceuticals Private Limited,
CS- 37, Metro Plaza, Near Metro Mall, Kalyan – Shil Road, Kalyan East, Pin – 421306, Maharashtra, India Customer Care Number : +91 8830483498 • Customer Care Mail id: customercare@avicura.in